Call him higher
While my husband can help your guy get free from porn at PornIsKillingMe.com, I can help you call him higher, to help him be the man he wants to be for you.
But if he keeps returning to porn, your pain and confusion will keep returning too.
If he’s said he wants to stop but hasn’t, those probably feel like empty words by now. And the distance between you will only grow as you wait for the other shoe to drop, and you’ll start to wonder if it’s even possible for him to quit.
It is possible. I don’t want him to remain trapped by porn, so have him visit my husband’s website.
But mostly, I don’t want you to remain trapped by the destruction it creates, so below are tips that will help you see your options in a new light.
His Porn: Tips, Thoughts and Techniques
Level the Playing Field? Okay! (Looking at other women)Level the Playing Field? Okay! (Looking at other women)