Once a Month Women’s Group

Information and Sign Up


I am glad you’re taking a step toward your health by considering group membership.

Below is information on the group(s) I offer.  They meet once a month. While I wasn’t sure how much a once-a-month-group would help, *regular attenders make quick progress in their own healing.*


In the current group(s), we cover topics like:

-Things you can do to recover more quickly.

-How to handle triggers and feel close to God despite this diffiuclt time.

-Things you can say to start finding your voice… and how to counter his objections or resistance.

-Signs his mistreatment toward you is becoming abusive.

-How you can know his interest in other women is not about you!


The Basics:

-The group that is in open enrollement right now meets on Zoom each Fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:30-9:30pm Eastern (sometimes we go over two hours.)   If that time doesn’t work for you, let me know what does work, and we’ll be one step closer to creating another group as time allows.

-Members are asked to use a set of earphones with a microphone.  That way only you can hear their stories, and the meetings are kept confidential.

-I may record the meeting for members who can’t make it that week.  Your voice may be heard, but only my face is seen in the resulting video.  (I encourage you to use a fake screen name for privacy reasons.)


If you sign up below:

1) You will be redirected to a page with the Zoom link for the next meeting.  Please copy and paste that link somewhere (it has the password in the link itself).

2) Also be sure to add the meetings to your calendar.

3) If you can make this month’s meeting, the current payment will come out this week, but all future payments will happen automatically on the first of each month.

4) Please email me if you need to have them cancelled.


I look forward to seeing you on the next call.


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