Thank you for allowing us to be part of this chapter in your life. When you sign up, here’s what you’ll get:
-Access to the same mentoring Jay is using with his guys (About 75% of his 1to1 clients have found freedom.)
-Access to the same mentoring Lori is using to help women turn their lives around more quickly.
It’s the same reason therapists are referring their clients to us… and why therapists come to us for help in their own lives. But it’s not just sobriety for him, or pain management for her; it’s true healing and can even help rebuild trust.
(Note: For more than one meeting a month, the first payment will be prorated for the current month, but all future payments will happen automatically on the first of each month. For one meeting a month, the full amount will be taken out now, and future payments will happen automatically on the first of each month.)