Struggling with tips that don’t help you HEAL? Maybe God has a unique plan for you, one that is key for long-lasting and UNBREAKABLE FREEDOM and JOY. Learn why your journey is different… and why that’s to your greatest ADVANTAGE. Watch to reveal this EXTRA-ordinary path.
0:00 Welcome! Let’s get moving…
0:47 Solution: A proven strategy for Trauma Healing
0:59 Exploring the backstory (fun, deep and CREEPY)
3:45 The first answer revealed (how to live)
4:35 The Ultimate Answer revealed & The FIRST PATH
5:44 The SECOND PATH: Going for it
9:43 What sparks it? Understanding the trigger
10:51 Faster Relief (from my journey to 4 key lessons)
12:35 Can you relate? How to move forward
https://thecouplecure.com/contact-me/ – Jay and Lori’s website
https://pornpainhealed.com/contact-me/ – Lori’s site for betrayed partners
https://porniskillingme.com/contact-me/ – Jay’s site for porn addiction recovery